dal curry

A mild curry made with red lentils, which is rare in Japan, and is loved by vegans. Lentils contain potassium, which helps eliminate excess salt in the body, iron, which is directly linked to preventing anemia, and helps prevent constipation. It is a very excellent super food such as insoluble dietary fiber.

Arugga Mage's dal curry uses plenty of lentils to provide about 1/3 of the daily iron content in one meal. This is a dish that everyone from children to the elderly, as well as women, would like to eat for their health.

【外袋/外箱サイズ】高さ17cm × 幅12cm × 厚さ2cm

864 円(税込) 1,528 円(税込)you save 664 円(税込)
dal curry
864 円(税込)1,528 円(税込)